About us

Vernajyoti Educare,is a section 8 not for profit company , a leading sustainability and development organisation. It endeavours to continuously innovate for sustainable livelihood options. Vernajyoti undertakes a range of livelihood and skilling projects in association with grass root community based organizations such as FPOs & SHGs . Since 2012 We’ve transformed 5000 lives , offering Job in Hospitality to youth , Entrepreneurship opportunity in Tourism to Rural Women by promoting Homestay, establishing Rural Entrepreneur Hub (REH) & Cluster development opportunity to farmers. A holistic cluster development approach and it's various programs have made significant impact in different areas of Darjeeling, Kalimpong & Nagaland. Currently, Vernajyoti is working with many cluster in the Himalyan region of West Bengal & Nagaland, where in mandarin orange, Zinger, Tiger grass, growers are being organized into FPOs and cooperative structures with the requisite market linkages, resulting in remunerative price for their produce. In the same area farmers' children are imparted employment oriented skill training after mapping their current skill sets. These initiatives have resulted in considerable income enhancement of the smallholder farmers households.

What we offer

Vernajyoti promotes lifelong learning and is creating effective convergence between education and livelihood opportunities. These initiatives harness inclusivity and create employment while supporting socio-economic development.

  • REH ( Rural Entrepreneur Hub)

    REH ( Rural Entrepreneur Hub) engagement model, Vernajyoti has adopted a holistic cluster development approach and it's various programs have made significant impact in different areas of the hilly region of Darjeeling & Kalimpong , leading to long term socio- economic changes in the identified clusters where customized intervention are planned. The produce is further value - added by simple processing and the requisite marketed linkages are forged, resulting in higher income for member farmers.

  • SHG : Capacity Building

    Vernajyoti started Micro - enterprise training of SHG members of Hilly region of West Bengal with the support of District Industries Center (Darjeeling) District Rural Development Corporation, Paschim Bangla Society for Skill Development. The program aimed to map the existing stitching skill sets of the women SHG members. The SHG members are then imparted design & tailoring skill training to make produce which have ready markets. We have completed a CSR project given by Tata Power Distribution Limited ( TPDDL ) in the slum clusters within Tpddl's area of operations in Delhi.

  • Future Skills Network

    Vernajyoti is working in Darjeeling ,Kalimpomg, other part of North Bengal and entire Nagaland with a network of grass root level community organizations to study the educational and existing skill sets of youth in these communities and also to understand their aspirations . Under the specially designed program , Future Skills Network, the skill sets of the youth are being mapped in different catchment and among socially and economically vulnerable groups.The skill gap so identified is bridged by imparting customized training in a job role which is aligned to the Hospitality and fast changing industry requirements.

  • Consultancy & Data Analytics

    Vernajyoti's long standing development related work experience and its key management team's expertise have been leveraged to offer special development consultancy and data analytics services aimed specifically at other non-profits engaged in similar sphere of work, farmers collectives, donor agencies, corporates undertaking CSR projects and policy makers.The granular micro level data with deep insights based on analytics can be very useful for socially oriented program planning and management.


"CII is extremely pleased to partner with Vernajyoti Educare for this programme. Vernajyoti is consistently delivering quality training to marginalized youth and providing them with 100% placements in leading organizations nationally. This is having a great impact on the community and has enabled many families to break the poverty cycle."
— Sougata Roy Choudhury, Director – Skills,School Education & Affirmative Action
" In a collaborative project you need to be very clear about who is doing what, you must have good reporting mechanisms, you need to have good communication on an ongoing basis. "
— Mayur Vakode, Asst. Manager – Human Resources, Royal Orchid Central, Vadodara
"Tata Power DDL management much appreciates the work done by the Vernajyoti Educare team in developing the brand SWAYAM for the micro enterprises under the company' s CSR initiative and linking the products made by these SHGs groups trained by them to the requisite markets . We are please to support the initiative further.."
"The Skill Development training provided by Vernajyoti Educare to youth in the Junglemahal area of West Bengal, marks a departure in the way of their life and will provide the children with something different and more lucrative to do."
—Impact Assessment Report of HPCL CSR project by TISS
"The Skill Development training provided by Vernajyoti Educare to youth in the Junglemahal area of West Bengal, marks a departure in the way of their life and will provide the children with something different and more lucrative to do."
—Impact Assessment Report of HPCL CSR project by TISS